Trees hard to Breathe Due To Climate Change, beyond exploration blog

Trees Are Finding It Harder To “Breathe” Due To Climate Change

Discover how the capacity of trees to absorb carbon dioxide is being impacted by climate change, as demonstrated by new Penn State research. Discover the workings of photorespiration and how it affects how well plants store carbon in the atmosphere. Learn about the difficulties that our trees confront as the globe warms and the necessity of reconsidering current climate change mitigation tactics.

Trees Are Finding It Harder To “Breathe” Due To Climate Change Read More ยป


Understanding Darkness: The Speeding Universe and the Search for Dark Energy

Explore the ongoing quest to understand the mysterious forces affecting the universe, from the early discovery of Cepheid transitions to terrestrial satellite missions such as the Euclid and Roman satellite telescopes and join a group of researchers when they discover dark secrets and comprehend the energies and consequences of.

Understanding Darkness: The Speeding Universe and the Search for Dark Energy Read More ยป


How Planets Form: Webb Space Telescope Captures Galactic Winds of Change

Discover how photos of galactic winds spreading gas from early planetary systems taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) are transforming our knowledge of planet formation. Find out the consequences for our comprehension of our own solar system and the opportunities for further study in this area.

How Planets Form: Webb Space Telescope Captures Galactic Winds of Change Read More ยป

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