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Two of the Milky Way’s original constituents have been found

ByadminMar 23, 2024
Discover the remarkable path that led to the discovery of two ancient cosmic objects known as Shiva and Shakti by astronomers. These relics, which date from 12–13 billion years ago, shed light on the early phases of the development of our galaxy.

Quantum Entanglement Transforms Next-Generation Sensors

ByadminMar 21, 2024
Find out how the local researchers’ innovative method revolutionised quantum sensing. The finding might lead to more scientific findings that will improve the precision and usefulness of quantum sensors by facilitating the study of unanticipated states in intricate quantum systems.

Trees Are Finding It Harder To “Breathe” Due To Climate Change

ByadminMar 21, 2024
Discover how the capacity of trees to absorb carbon dioxide is being impacted by climate change, as demonstrated by new Penn State research. Discover the workings of photorespiration and how it affects how well plants store carbon in the atmosphere. Learn about the difficulties that our trees confront as the globe warms and the necessity of reconsidering current climate change mitigation tactics.

Curcumin in turmeric is amplified by nanoparticles for more health advantages

ByadminMar 18, 2024
Discover how nanotechnology is revolutionising the fitness advantages of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric. From improving bioavailability to targeting specific tissues, learn the way curcumin nanoformulations are unlocking new possibilities in treating most cancers, infections, microbial infections, and neurodegenerative illnesses.
sound wave and Alzheimer

How Sound and Light Waves at 40 Hz Could Stop Alzheimer’s

adminMar 2, 20248 min read
Find out how 40 Hz light and sound waves might be the secret to preventing Alzheimer’s. An innovative MIT study reveals a process involving the brain’s lymphatic system, providing insight into new therapy modalities for Alzheimer’s disease.


Trees hard to Breathe Due To Climate Change, beyond exploration blog

Trees Are Finding It Harder To “Breathe” Due To Climate Change

adminMar 21, 2024
Discover how the capacity of trees to absorb carbon dioxide is being impacted by climate change, as demonstrated by new Penn State research. Discover the workings of photorespiration and how it affects how well plants store carbon in the atmosphere. Learn about the difficulties that our trees confront as the globe warms and the necessity of reconsidering current climate change mitigation tactics.

Beyond Exploration

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