The Next Einstein: AI Can Create New Theories of Physics

Einstein AI


The greatest minds in physics are usually linked to the creation of a new theory. Consider Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, for instance. Numerous Nobel Prizes for novel hypotheses have previously been given out. This accomplishment has also been accomplished by an artificial intelligence that researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich have designed.

Their artificial intelligence can identify patterns in large, complicated data sets and turn them into a physical theory. The greatest minds in physics are usually linked to the creation of a new theory. Consider Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, for instance. Numerous Nobel Prizes for novel hypotheses have previously been given out. This accomplishment has also been accomplished by an artificial intelligence that researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich have designed. Their artificial intelligence can identify patterns in large, complicated data sets and turn them into a physical theory.

Prof. Moritz Helias of the Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) at Forschungszentrum Jülich discusses the “Physics of AI” and how it differs from traditional methods in the interview that follows.

How do physicists come up with a new theory?

While trying to figure out how the various system components interact with one another to explain the observed behaviour, you often start with observations of the system. From this, new hypotheses are then generated and tested. Isaac Newton’s law of gravity is a well-known illustration. Not only does it characterise Earth’s gravitational field, but it can also be used to pretty correctly forecast the motions of planets, moons, comets, and contemporary satellite orbits.

But there is always variation in the process by which these theories are arrived at. You have two options: either begin with generic physics concepts and fundamental equations and work your way up to the hypothesis, or use a phenomenological approach, which restricts you to precisely reporting observations without elaborating on their reasons. Choosing a decent strategy among the many that are available, making the required adjustments, and simplifying it are the challenging parts.

Which strategy are you using with AI?

It often uses a method called “physics for machine learning.” In our working group, we examine and comprehend the intricate workings of artificial intelligence using physics techniques.

Our research group’s Claudia Merger came up with the ground-breaking novel concept of using a neural network that learns to properly translate observed complicated behaviour into a simpler system. Stated differently, the AI seeks to streamline all the intricate relationships we see across system elements. Next, we employ the trained AI to generate an inverse mapping using the simpler system. We next formulate the new theory, going back from the simpler system to the more complicated one. The more complex interactions are built piece by piece from the simpler ones on the way back. As a result, the method is ultimately not all that unlike a physicist’s; the only distinction is that the AI’s parameters are now used to determine how the interactions are put together. The phrase “physics of AI” refers to this viewpoint, which is the foundation of physics and explains the universe through interactions between its diverse pieces that adhere to particular rules.

Which apps make use of AI?

For example, we utilised a data set of handwritten numerals on black and white pictures, which is frequently used in neural network research. Claudia Merger examined how pixel interactions make up microscopic substructures in the pictures, such as the borders of the numerals, for her PhD thesis. The contour of the number’s border is influenced by clusters of pixels that are observed to have a tendency to be brighter together.

What is the level of computational effort?

The secret that first enables the computations is the use of AI. You arrive at a very large number of potential interactions pretty rapidly. If you didn’t know this approach, you could only examine extremely tiny systems. Due to the fact that even in systems with a large number of components, there are numerous potential interactions, the computing effort required is still considerable. However, these interactions may be parameterized well, allowing us to see systems with up to 1,000 interacting components or picture regions with up to 1,000 pixels. Further optimization should make it feasible to create considerably bigger systems in the future.

What distinguishes this strategy from other AIs like ChatGPT?

Learning a hypothesis about the data used to train the AI is the goal of many AIs. But most of the hypotheses that AIs pick up are uninterpretable. Rather, they are concealed implicitly inside the taught AI’s settings. On the other hand, our method takes the learned theory and translates it into the physics-based language of interactions between system components. Since we use the language of physics to describe what the AI has learned, it falls within the category of explainable AI, more precisely the “physics of AI.” By using the language of interactions, we may create a link between human-understandable ideas and the intricate inner workings of AI. 


The intersection of synthetic intelligence and physics is yielding groundbreaking results, as evidenced by the paintings of researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Their AI-driven approach, termed “physics for system learning,” harnesses the energy of neural networks to discover patterns in complicated data units and translate them into comprehensible bodily theories. This revolutionary approach claims to revolutionise our understanding of the universe by bridging the gap between local behaviour and basic concepts. By digging into the “physics of AI,” we might possibly uncover novel perspectives on the complex interactions that control large and small systems. 


Q: How do physicists traditionally come up with new theories?

A: Physicists often start with observations of a device, generating hypotheses to give an explanation for the discovered behaviour. These hypotheses are then tested and refined, as exemplified by ancient figures like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

Q: What distinguishes Forschungszentrum Jülich’s AI-driven approach from other methods?

A: Unlike conventional AI, which frequently produces uninterpretable hypotheses, the researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich aim to translate learned theories into the language of physics. This “physics for system learning” approach lets in deeper information about complex record sets and their underlying physical ideas.

Q: What are some practical applications of this AI-driven approach?

A: The research has sensible programmes in diverse fields, which include picture reputation and device modelling. For example, it may analyse handwritten numerals or simulate interactions among components in complex systems, presenting insights into real-global phenomena.

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