Quantum Computing provides a massive Leap with Light-Based Processors

quantum computing


An innovative light-based processor that enhances the effectiveness and scalability of quantum communication and computing has been created by a group of researchers. The processor offers considerable improvements in safe data transfer and sensing applications by minimising light losses.

Drug research and other small-scale applications are already greatly benefiting from technologies in these new, atomic-level sectors.

Large-scale quantum computers hold the possibility of solving intricate puzzles in the future that are beyond the capabilities of current computers.

The team’s processor, a photonics device that uses light particles to convey information, according to lead researcher Professor Alberto Peruzzo of RMIT University in Australia, might potentially allow effective quantum calculations by minimising “light losses.”

Peruzzo, who is in charge of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) node at RMIT, stated, “Our design makes the quantum photonic quantum computer more effective in terms of light losses, which is critical for being able to keep the computation going.”

“You have to restart the computation if the light goes out.”

Peruzzo stated that there were possible advancements in data transmission capabilities for communications systems that are considered “unhackable” and in sensing applications for environmental monitoring and healthcare.

Research and Development Progress

During a series of assessments, the scientists reprogrammed a photonics processor to attain a performance comparable to 2,500 devices by manipulating voltages. Nature Communications publishes their analysis and findings.

Peruzzo declared, “This discovery may result in a more scalable and compact system for quantum photonic processors.”

Lead author Yang Yang, a PhD scholar at RMIT, declared that the gadget was “fully controllable,” that it allowed for quick reprogramming with low power consumption, and that it eliminated the need for several customised components.
He said, “We experimentally showed multiple physical dynamics on a single device.”

“It’s like having a switch to control particle behaviour, which is helpful for developing new quantum technologies and comprehending the quantum world.”

The novel photonic device was created by Professor Mirko Lobino of the University of Trento in Italy, who used a crystal known as lithium niobate. Professor Yogesh Joglekar of Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis, in the United States, contributed his condensed matter physics knowledge.

Because of its special optical and electro-optic qualities, lithium niobate is perfect for a wide range of photonics and optics applications.

According to Lobino, “my group was involved in the fabrication of the device, which was particularly challenging because to achieve this level of re-configurability, we had to miniaturise a large number of electrodes on top of the waveguides.”

Programmable photonic processors, according to Joglekar, “offer a new route to explore the variety of processes in these tools that could unlock amazing developments in science and technology.”

light-based processor

One more quantum leap?

In the meantime, Peruzzo’s group has created a first-of-its-kind hybrid system that helps regulate quantum devices and programmes photonic processors using modelling and machine learning.

Peruzzo claimed that in order to guarantee the precision and effectiveness of data processing, control over a quantum computer was essential.

“The sound, or interference caused in the quantum surroundings that impacts qubit performance, is one of the greatest obstacles to the device’s output accuracy,” he said.

The fundamental blocks of quantum computing are called qubits.

“A wide variety of sectors are working towards full-scale quantum computing, but they are still battling the mistakes and inefficiencies brought on by noise,” Peruzzo stated.

According to Peruzzo, attempts to regulate qubits usually depended on presumptions about what noise was and how it was produced.

Instead of assuming anything, he added, “we developed a protocol that uses modelling to predict what the system does in response to the noise and machine learning to study the noise.”

Peruzzo stated, using quantum photonic processors might allow quantum computers to work more exactly and efficiently, possibly changing how we accomplish quantum tools in the future.

“We hope that our novel hybrid method has the ability to become the standard control strategy for quantum computing,” says Peruzzo.

The newly created approach’s results, according to lead author Dr. Akram Youssry of RMIT, demonstrated a notable improvement over conventional modelling and control techniques, and it may find use in quantum devices other than photonic processors.

“The technique allowed us to find and recognise aspects of our products that go above the existing physical models of this technology,” the speaker stated.

“This will enable us to create future devices that are even better.”

Evolution of Quantum Control

Peruzzo stated that startup firms in quantum computing might be built on his team’s photonic device design and quantum control technology, which they would continue to research in terms of applications and “full potential.”.

“Quantum photonics is one of the more promising quantum areas, because the photonics-producing and application facilities are very well created,” he concluded.

Quantum machine-learning algorithms may be of better quality than traditional techniques in some situations, especially when handling large datasets.

In a world where computers operate at millions of times quicker speeds than they do now, information can be sent safely without worrying about being intercepted, and issues that would take years to answer can be solved in a matter of seconds.

“This is not science fiction; rather, it is the possible future enabled according to quantum technologies, which our research is helping to pave.”


The knowledge of quantum computing has modernised remarkably with the introduction of light-based processors, which provide improved efficiency and configuration for quantum computation and communication. These breakthroughs, led by scientists like RMIT University’s Professor Alberto Peruzzo, have the potential to completely transform a number of industries, including sensing applications, data transmission, and medicinal development. These evolutions move us closer to attaining the full possibility of quantum technologies by reducing light losses and optimising quantum computations. They also provide answers to riddles that were previously unsolvable and open the door to a future in which difficult issues can be solved with never-before-seen speed and efficiency.


Q: What are light-based processors in quantum computing?

A: Photons are used by light-based processors to execute quantum computations and transmit data. Benefits from them include minimising light loss, improved computing performance, and safer data transfer.

Q: How do light-based processors benefit various industries?

A: Light-based processors have the potential to completely transform a number of sectors, including healthcare, communication networks, drug development, and environmental monitoring. Considerable progress has been made in these fields as a result of their ability to provide quicker calculations, secure data transfer, and improved sensing capabilities.

Q: What is the significance of the research conducted by Professor Alberto Peruzzo and his team?

A: The aim of the study being conducted through Professor Alberto Peruzzo’s group is to construct light-based computers that improve quantum operations while minimising light loss. Their discoveries might improve quantum computing and communication, perhaps tackling difficult problems that are beyond the capabilities of current computers.

Q: How does the novel hybrid system developed by Peruzzo’s group contribute to quantum computing?

A: Peruzzo’s group has used modelling and machine learning to create a hybrid system that combines programmable photonic processors with quantum devices. This method increases precision of data processing, increases control over quantum devices, and might eventually become the norm for quantum computing control strategies.

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